Monday, July 7, 2008

The First Elder Colvin LA

At least i think so.

Hello my family. Thankyou all for the letters this week. Congradulations on the baptismo Sister C-unit. Yo ha siepre creo que tu eres la mejor misionaro. muchisimo mas mejor que yo, claro. I think thats how you say it. I'm getting a little better on the spanish. I was able to teach a full out lesson the other day. Me and Elder Vincent both became spanish Elders at the same time. We went together on an exchange the other day. It was challenging, but the Lord was with us and I think (between the two of us) we made sence to the people. Either that or we just doublely confuse them :-) (is 'doublely' a word.....). Anyway, Roseanne Have got that baby out yet? I'm just curious. This whole week I thought that I was a new uncle. Man, your churrin are going to be so much older than mine. Oh well. I feel like your kids are pretty much my siblings too. Oh yes, Last monday I got to watch that home video that y'all sent to me. Dad, I was mostly crackin up about you. I didn't know you could do all that ;-). Roseanne you did an excellent job on the camera ;-). and yes, that was a very random ending. I showed it to 5 other missionaries. Elder Fawcett has been mimicking that one part all week long. That part were you guys sway side to side(while singing) and do a little up up thing. I hope you know what I mean. like this..."AhhhhhhhhhhhhhH HA HA" . That was pretty funny. for the Forth of July we went over to our investigators house, watched Transformers, swam in the pool, and didn't get home till 1am. JUST KIDDING!!!! we actually went into our apt at 6pm for lockdown and played dominoes. Well I discovered that I need to go. Please continue to pray for Wilfredo. He's having concerns that he won't be able to go to church when he moves back to Honduras. We're trying to find the nerast church house there were hes lives. He's also concerned that his Wife wont want to be LDS as well . We are sending a Libro de Mormon to her with all three of our testimonies in it with a picture of us 3 holding a Book of Mormon. He just needs to have faith and not worry. Please pray that he'll do the right thing. Thank you all x 100000000000000
Elder Colvin.