Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I almost deleted everyone in my address book. whoo. WellHello my everyone,I got transfers calls last night. I'm moving over to Spanish Baton Rouge West. So I'll be getting a new address soon. If you really want to send something then send it to the office and you know. Well how was this week. It was Cool! We had an amazing Zone conference. It was Our President's 2nd to last one. For a little treat to us he gave a 2 hour talk on all the evidences that have been coming up to validate the Book of Mormon. He made it clear at the begining that this was only for us and not to use to debate with people. All the evdience in the world does not convert a person. It's the Holy Sprirt that comes and touches their soul in way that they cannot refute what they've felt. Their is A TON of evidences that support it, but only The Holy Ghost can give a real definate knowledge. Ooh it was cool. anyways, We commited a girl named Josefina to baptism. She and her friend (and exfellow employee)Carmen, came to chruch this sunday. It was cool. I'm sad that I'm leaving, but life moves on and my investgators will have to understand that it's not us that matters. It's the witnesss they receive that this church is the Lord's restored church (Ephesians 3:19-21, Ephesiens 4:11,2Thessalonians 2 :1-3, Acts 3:20-21). I love those Scriptures. Read em in that order, you'll get a kick out of it. Well I gotta go. Do your best and the Lord will make up the rest. Bye. Elder ColvinPs. Yes, CONGRADULATIONS on the baptism Elder Baysinger!

Monday, April 21, 2008

HelLo My Family. This week has been cool. Alejandro was committted to bapstism last night (his nick name is 'Chicles' meaning 'Gum' in english).He came to church and he liked it. That night we went over to his apartment. We (meaning Elder Orellana) said to him that this is your decision and you need to ask God on weather it's true or not, but you need to ask sincerely. I think that is the diference on praying."....but let him ask in FAITH, nothing wavering"-James 1:5-6. You have to truly want to know weather it's true. I think too often people go and pray with the mindset of "I know this is the right way and you're gonna tell me the same, OK God!?" That is pride, Putting your will before God's. and Pride is the root of All Evil. When we ask someone to pray, we ask that they pray in a manner that the Holy spirit can come and touch them. First, you need to do the thing, 'experiment upon the word'. You gotta do your part so that God will see that your serious about searching for knowledge (James 2). Secondly, you need to go and pray in a humble manner as this "Heavenly Father I have been searching for thy truth and I really want understand your will for me. Father will you please let me know weather_____is true or not". now you obviously don't have to use those exact words, and to say such a thing takes faith but that is the way you can know about any point of doctrine of this church. Search, Ponder, and Pray. I need to get going. Sorry it's kinda short. I love you guys so much, keep the faith.-Elder Colvin-You know, if I could get some stamps, I'd be greatful. but if not I'll live. :-) thankyou.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hello Erebody.What have ya'll been up to?I've been doing great. Carmen, one of our investigators came to church Yesterday. I'm so happy. We hope to baptize her whole family. That would be so cool. What a great blessing to know that we can be with our families forever and not just "till death do you part". For me it's 'the Temple or Bust'. You know Jehovahs witnesses are very convincing. I'm not goin' weird on ya but If I wasn't LDS I'd probably be one of them. They got a lot of truths we got and are very persuasive, but the problem is that they don't got the spirit. I mean that when I listen to them I just don't feel like the scriptures say you are supposed to feel when you recive truth. Galatians 5: 22, the scrip were Jesus says to his diciples 'I shall the Holy spirit in my name and he teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance' , Acts 2:37-38, and many more. (shrugging shoulders) That was kindof random, huh? Anyway ....Bass Pro Shop was cool last week. It was fun but a few things I wasn't allowed to touch so oh well (wink to my Father). It was cool though. They had this Giant Aquariam full of Giant Fish. One area of the store there's a little lake thing. There were alive ducks there. The craziest thing of all was this Huge Aligator Turtle. The thing was the Size of Zachary! It was so still that I almost past by it. the only thing keeping it in was this two foot high rope wall thing. It looked like It could easily chomp through it.....or jump over it. I did one of those double takes with my head when I saw it. I was like 'is this safe to have in a store...let alone two feet away from me'? So we're getting a new Mission President soon. That Stinks. I'm gonna miss Pres. Patterson. The new Mission Pres. Is President Woods From Mesa Arizona. Cool huh? his Mom's maiden name is Shumway. If anyone knows him or about him....first of all that would be weird, secondly let me know. Look at me I'm just been writing up a strom here latley (yes, a strom). I used to write like half a page of stuff, but now I'm writing more than my sister sometimes. Well I sent out a bunch of letters last week. Hope Erebody got em. Sister C and Elder B, I'll be sending letters your way this week. hmmmm it's about time sent one to Goober....yes maybe I'll do that too. We'll see. I don't know If siad this last week, but all you need to make something Mexican is to put in these three ingredients: Onion,Tamatoes, and Some sort of Pepper(s). That's it. I eat one or all of those three things everyday. I'm finally 100% over that illness I had. I was at 99.9% but now this weird little pain I've had in my gut has finally gone away. Maybe it's from all the healthy mexican I've been eating latley. The Lord works in mysteriuos ways :-)...sometimes humuores, but that 's another story. Well, It looks like It's the end of the show. I gotta go and purchase sustanence at the Mart of Wal. Bye! Keep going Strong.-Elder Colvin

Monday, April 7, 2008

Well well well,Thank you so much all you peeps that sent me letters. I love them. Dare I say, more than e-mails?! Anyway I am doing great! Conference was AMAZING this time. I Think it was my favorite. Who knew that Thomas S. Monson had such a sence of humor. I was laughing pretty hard at his joke at the Preisthood session. But in all seriousness It was a power packed conference filled with the spirit. I loved Jeffrey R. Hollands talk about the Bible and Book of Mormon. I didn't know you could make a series on your talks. I figured Elder Wirthlin would be sitting this time. I like that man. If you have ever seen a picture of him even 20 years ago he looks completly different than now. I went to the Spanish room for the Sunday morning session...and I'll be needing to read it in the Ensign. I didn't catch a thing. Oh well :-). I am learning pretty quick now. I've been making a special effort to talk and think in spanish. I thought That would help and it has. I'm Starting to understand what is happening in coversations and stuff. The other day Elder Orellana was talking to our branch President (president Uerta from Bolivia). I understood it all!! It was cool. I'm still pretty far from carrying on a coherant talk myself, but it's coming along. I understand a lot more than I can Speak. It's kind of funny. I'm just lovin' what my Mexican companion can make. His Tacos are the best I've ever had. Yes, they do eat a lot of tacos in Mexico. I think last week I had a taco everyday from somebody. On elder Orellana's clipper set is a funny sticker that says,"Folded food just tastes better." I laugh....because it is true :-). It's cool being a spanish Missionary. The people here have given me the nickname 'Chido Gringo' which means 'Cool White Guy'. Sadly none of our investigators were able to make it to General Conference, but hey that's missionary life. It's 95% dissapointments and 5% Successful Joy, but that 5% makes up the Difference ever so much. I finally made that Red Velvet cake that was for my birthday. I only had a bread pan to put the mix in...Well the inside was cake. The rest was like a Red Bread. hehehe. I think that was the first time I made a cake on my mission....and a cake without Mom's help :-). Yup, life is going great for the Elder Meister. HMMMM what else...Thank you Ammon for your words of advice in your email I recived last week. Now I know first hand what you were going through at the MTC. hehe Sister C. has 7 mos left. Anyway I am gonna have to end this transmission soon. If I want Clean clothes this week and to go to Bass Pro Shop today I'll need to rap things up. errrrrrr Que mas? I have rediscovered Lucas again (yeah Bonnie!) I see it all the time When I go to Mexican stores. If Yall ever want to send something,...spanish to me I only want two things: A sombrero, and Rellerindos (a Mex. candy that's made by 'Vero'). Well, Thank you all so much again for all that you do. I Love You!-Elder Colvin