Monday, March 31, 2008

Hey hey hey,Welcome to another exciting episode of Elder Colvins life:-Elder Colvin,"Lo siento, pero yo soy aprendiendo hablar espan'ol y hablar muy pequito ahora"-Jorge,"oh, ok "Ask your local spanish speaker what that means, it's more like spanglish though.this episode was brought to you by Ole' Mexican foodanyway, Yes I pretty much say that everyday. The people always look a little awkward at me because I don't say much. I have to say that I am learning to speak spanish so they don't think I'm a crazy mute Gringo. It's fun. Last night We comitted Josefina to be baptized on the 19th of April. She is a Nice 20 year old girl. Please pray for her that she'll take that leap of faith and do it. I wish I explain more about the people we are teaching, but I don't know what is being said. I catch half of the words, half of the time :-). It's coming a long though. One time we were teaching this Lady about the Restorarion, that is, I thought that is what Elder Orellana was talking about. I felt impressed to share the scripture Acts 3:20-21. It talks about how Jesus will come after the "restitution of all things". If you will look up the word "Restitution" in the dictionary you'll see that it means to repay for something that was taken. AKA Restoring what was LOST. Anyway I read it to her in my poor spanish, and she stood back in amazement, then she wanted to read it herself. She was shocked. Her family comprizes of catholic, a baptist minister, and Jehovahs witness. She wants us to come back and teach her more. This work is awsome. I'll be asking today if my MTC spanish books are coming and I'll ask if I can get y'all to send my "Como Se Dice" book out to me. I love each and every one you guys so much.ByeLove Elder Colvin

Monday, March 24, 2008

It has been one crazy week. It is like I'm being trained into a new mission. I've been trying my best to learn the language as fast as I can. I've had a weeklong headache. Elder Orellana is a funnny comaniero. He doesen't like american candy. He says it is too sweet. He comes from a pretty well to do home. His mother went on a mission as well. Today we went with a member to a lawyer (to translate, meaning Elder Orellana did all the work :-) ). The Lawyer was LDS too. The member needed to get something notarized. Anyway we found out that he was the lawyer for "Snoop dog" and "Master-P". I thought thast was weird. He (the lawyer guy) said that they cause a lot of trouble but anyway....yeah. The spanish people are very nice. Even if they are not interested they will most likley let you in. They will always offer food as well. If you don't want it, the only excuse you can use that won't offend them is,"estoy enfermo" meaning I'm Sick. With their culture the slogan is "there is always room for more", but hey I'm not complaining. It is GOOOOOD food. Hey guess what? MICHELE GOT BAPTIZED!!!!! I'm so happy, even if I wasn't there to see it. The baptism was this last Saturday and transfers were Wednesday. Thank you all for your prayers on her behalf. I got to see her one last ime Tuesday night. She has come so far in her progress. I think it was fitting that we both were leaving the next day so that she could see Faith in action. She asked me, how do you feel that you are going to speak spanish?. I said,"well, I know that whatever the Lord calls me to do I will be able to do it. I just have to have faith that God knows what he is doing." We asked her give the closing prayer that night. All fears I had about her were gone as she gave a beautiful prayer about how she needed to have faith and be baptized. Elder Petersen and Ewell said it was a great baptisimal service and She was very happy the whole time. My joy is full. Thank you all right now in advance for the packages that you said are coming my way. I'm just glad I'll be able to eat whatever is in them now. I lost 20lbs after all was said and done.196-176. Oh well. Trisha, yes I think I'm getting the MTC books today for the spanish. I live like 5miles from both the Mission office and Mission home. My area actually covers my previous area and a lot more but now I'm on the spanish side of life. There are two main ares of spanish service: New Orleans and Baton Rouge. I'm in the area called South Baton Rouge. COOLLLLLL :-). It was funny that on transfer day, I just moved my stuff from one room to antother in the apartment. Benjamin, quit getting sick:-). I hope you get to feeling better. You too Gabrielle. I'm Praying for you both. Well I got to go now so, Tengan un buen dia! (have a good day)-Elder Colvin

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I guess erebody is doing something right now. Well isn't that just crazy?! Who would have thought that was going to happen?....besides Sister Colvin.;-) I'm going to be with Elder Orellana (the mexican that has been with us). It's kindof weird that I will be covering pretty much the same area but this time I'll be a spaniard. Es Loco. Yo neccecito apprendar espanol rapido. whew. Well The Lord is putting some major trust in me right now.PLEASE pray the language will come quickly. I want to learn it as fast as I can. This transfer has been crazy. first I was sick for a long time, now I'm a missionaro. That will be so wierd to put on a spanish name tag. Michelle Bloom is scheduled to be baptised this week-end so please pray that she will have faith and do it. We lost contact with Chris completly starting Friday so we didn't baptze him on Saturday. oh well. There is always this week. I'm glad that I was able to serve in Prarieville for the short time I did. The ward there is pretty much the only one that reminds me of back west. Now I will be in braches for the remaing time....Actually I heard there is one spanish ward out here somewere. I'll have mucho to write next prabaly so I will have to talk to y'all later. I dont know yet but I think that I might be able to get my spanish books from home to use but I'll have to check. Ok I love you alltodos los diashasta lellegobyeElder Colvinun Missionaro por el inglesia de Jesu Cristo de los santos de los ultimos dias.I think that's how you'd say it :-)

Jacob's BIG Transfer News!

So I got the transfer calls last night. President Patterson was happy and excited sounding when he told me were I was going. The good news is this. I am living in the same apartment. The crawzy, overwhelimng, awesome, how in the heck, oh my lanta news is this ................................................................................I'M GOING TO SPEAK SPANISHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Woah Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!I will write more in two minutes so please any one that is near a computer. Say something to me!AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!EC